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W3Key | Our SBT
Mint your W3Key
How to mint your W3Key
W3Key | Our SBT
Last updated
9 months ago
First head to https://w3gg.io and select 'New User' if it is your first time, or simply choose to 'Sign In'
Then 'Verify' that you are indeed human' and if it is your first time, choose your preferred 'Sign up' method
Next step is to choose your user name and connect your wallet. You may choose W3GG to generate a wallet for you or connect your own.
Once you wallet is connected, simply input your referral code. If you do not have one, head to our X account, discord or telegram to retrieve one
With the code submited you can now mint your W3Key!
The minting process will take a few seconds
And voilà! You are now ready to start earning rewards!